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ODB Coordinate Reader

Started by Mark Barkey, February 15, 2015, 09:35:29 PM

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Mark Barkey


Script to open an output database and print intial and final
coordinates of step 1 (first and last frames of step 1).

This could be updated by only writing out a node set instead of all the nodes.

Note that in order for this to be used, the output identifier COORD must
be written to the ODB. This is not a default setting for preselected field

M. E. Barkey 2/15/2015


Script to open an output database and print intial and final
coordinates of step 1 (first and last frames of step 1).

This could be updated by only writing out a node set instead of all the nodes.

Note that in order for this to be used, the output identifier COORD must
be written to the ODB. This is not a default setting for preselected field

M. E. Barkey 2/15/2015

#based on ABAQUS 6.13 example
#9.10.3 An Abaqus Scripting Interface version of FPERT

import sys
from odbAccess import *
from types import IntType

# Get input from the user

odbName = raw_input('Enter odb name (w/o .odb): ')
odb = openOdb(odbName + '.odb')

modes = 1
factors = 2

#this reads the first frame [0] of the first step [0]
step = odb.steps.values()[0]
coords = step.frames[0].fieldOutputs['COORD']

#this reads the last frame [-1] of the first step [0]
steplast = odb.steps.values()[0]
coordslast = steplast.frames[-1].fieldOutputs['COORD']

#open a text ouput file and write the initial and final coordinates.
outFile = open(odbName + '.coordinates.dat', 'w')

#these text lines are 65 characters long
outFile.write('ODB Coordinate Reader********************************************')

header = \
** Input ODB file: %s
** Coordinate data from the original mesh step 1 frame 0.    ****

header2 = \
** Coordinate data from the original mesh step 1 frame -1 (last).

#the variable odbName is placed in the position of %s in the header
outFile.write(header % (odbName))
#this format statement if for the node label and tuple write
format = '%6i, %14.7e, %14.7e, %14.7e\n'

#the indent in python means a loop
for value in coords.values:
        format % ((value.nodeLabel,) + tuple(value.data)))
outFile.write('***** End of coordinates of first frame.*************************')


#this format statement if for the node label and tuple write
format = '%6i, %14.7e, %14.7e, %14.7e\n'

#the indent in python means a loop
for value in coordslast.values:
        format % ((value.nodeLabel,) + tuple(value.data)))
outFile.write('***** End of coordinates of last frame.**************************')


Mark Barkey

Fortran program to read in the coordinate file created by  the python script.
Some additional files are needed and will be packaged later.
Some post processing is done with the coordinate information.

Program coord
C M. E. Barkey  2-15-2015
C This program is designed to work with output from my odb Coordinate Reader progam.

C totn = total nodes, get number of lines by crimson editor
C from line number of last node in step - line number of first node in step + 1
C if totn is greater than 50,000 then update the array sizes

integer node1(50000), node2(50000), i, totn, j, k
integer xplus(500), xminus(500), yplus(500), yminus(500)
integer ixp(500), ixm(500), iyp(500), iym(500), znode
double precision yd(500), xd(500), zref, zdistx(500),zdisty(500)

double precision crd1(50000,3), crd2(50000,3)

character*100  line
character*65  line2

C node at center of impact end is 7340
C will use node 7484 as the zref (impact end, edge)

znode = 7484

open (30, file = 'xplus.txt')
open (31, file = 'xminus.txt')
open (32, file = 'yplus.txt')
open (33, file = 'yminus.txt')

do 220 j = 1, 81
read(30, *) xplus(j)
read(31, *) xminus(j)
read(32, *) yplus(j)
read(33, *) yminus(j)
220 continue

i = 0
totn = 23435

open (20, file = "ti-126-4.coordinates.dat")

500 format (a65)

read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2

do 200 j = 1, totn
  read (20, *) node1(j), crd1(j, 1), crd1(j,2), crd1(j,3)
200 continue
write(*,*) node1(totn),crd1(totn, 1),crd1(totn,2), crd1(totn,3)

read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2
read (20,500) line2
write (*,*) line2

do 210 j = 1, totn
i = i + 1
  read (20, *) node2(j), crd2(j, 1), crd2(j,2), crd2(j,3)
210    continue

write(*,*) node2(totn),crd2(totn, 1),crd2(totn,2), crd2(totn,3)


do 310 j = 1, totn

if (znode.eq.node1(j)) then
zref = crd2(j,3)
end if

310 continue

do 240 k = 1, 81
do 230 j = 1, totn

if (xplus(k).eq.node1(j)) then
end if

if (xminus(k).eq.node1(j)) then
end if

if (yplus(k).eq.node1(j)) then
end if

if (yminus(k).eq.node1(j)) then
end if

230 continue
240 continue

do 250 k = 1, 81

write(*,*) ixp(k), 'xplus****************'
write(*,*) node1(j), crd1(j, 1), crd1(j,2), crd1(j,3)
write(*,*) node2(j), crd2(j, 1), crd2(j,2), crd2(j,3)

250 continue

  do 260 k = 1, 81

write(*,*) ixm(k), 'xminus***************'
write(*,*) node1(j), crd1(j, 1), crd1(j,2), crd1(j,3)
write(*,*) node2(j), crd2(j, 1), crd2(j,2), crd2(j,3)

260 continue

  do 270 k = 1, 81

write(*,*) iyp(k), 'yplus****************'
write(*,*) node1(j), crd1(j, 1), crd1(j,2), crd1(j,3)
write(*,*) node2(j), crd2(j, 1), crd2(j,2), crd2(j,3)

270 continue

  do 280 k = 1, 81

write(*,*) iym(k), 'yminus***************'
write(*,*) node1(j), crd1(j, 1), crd1(j,2), crd1(j,3)
write(*,*) node2(j), crd2(j, 1), crd2(j,2), crd2(j,3)

280 continue

    do 290 k = 1, 81

write(*,*) 'horizontal diameter****z-vals should be same*'
xd(k) = crd2(j,1) - crd2(i,1)
zdistx(k) = crd2(j,3) - zref
write(*,*) xd(k), crd2(j,3), crd2(i,3), zref, zdist

290 continue

    do 300 k = 1, 81

write(*,*) 'vertical diameter****z-vals should be same*'
yd(k) = crd2(j,2) - crd2(i,2)
zdisty(k) = crd2(j,3) - zref
write(*,*) xd(k), crd2(j,3), crd2(i,3), zref, zdist

300 continue

open (34, file = 'profile.xls')

    do 330 k = 1, 81

write(*,*) 'writing diameters'
write(34,*) xd(k), char(9), yd(k), char(9),zdistx(k),
     & char(9),zdisty(k)

330 continue 

