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Connector display in ODB results view

Started by Mark Barkey, June 12, 2018, 12:14:49 AM

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Mark Barkey

From the link below:


Abaqus connector tips (for visualization for connectors)
Abaqus connector tips (for visualization for connectors)

At visualization module, you can display connectors as followings

View - ODB display option - Entity Display Taps - Check show connectors

if you needs related points, axes and connector types, also check highlight connector points, show local axes, connector type

Output variables related to connectors are CTF (*total forces and moments) and CU (relative displacements and rotations) which are not default variable and commonly used.
If Above variables are not requested, you can not check that whether connectors are modeled properly and its reaction force (when connector displacement applied) or reaction displacement (when connector force applied).

*As you know, 'total' means 'elastic + plastic'

At step module, you can add field output related to connectors as followings

- Creat Field output request

- set 'domain' to be 'set' and select wire set at which you want to see outputs
* if 'domain' is 'whole model', you can not see the CTF and CU

- check CTF and CU